Monday, May 5, 2008

a dream

I had a dream the other night, but I do not remember what it was. I remember bits and pieces of it; however, there are so many parts of it missing. Usually this wouldn't bother me. I do not remember every dream I have, and I definitely do not always remember the entire dream itself. However, this dream was different. Something about it was unsettling. What is so unsettling? I do not know. All day I have had this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I think about it. Bits of my dream will enter my mind and I get shaky. This has never happened to me before. What was so bad about the dream? I did not wake up afraid. It wasn't a "bad" dream; I know that for sure. Yet, somehow it sends an icy cold chill down my back whenever I think about it.

1 comment:

Philip said...

I know what you mean!! I've had a dream cast a shadow on my day before as well, and its really frustrating.