Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Tonight, I smoked a cigarette
and you came screaming back.
Waves of tastes and smells found a way to reconnect,
and the smoke danced itself into the sky.

The night told me what to say
and, yes, I knew the answer anyway.
My head told my heart what to do,
and the smoke danced itself into the sky.

You found a way in, and I out.
And yes it is true--I know what to do.
A sense of self has returned and
I have quit you.

The pieces seemed to have gone awry
but the puff put them in their place.
A deep breath and a tingle of the lips,
and the smoked danced itself into the sky.

This is a little thing I wrote tonight at work. There is no real face behind it; it is mostly a modge-podge of people/ideas/feelings. This summer has been wonderful, and yes, I do realize I am using the past tense form of the verb, but in my book summer is nearly over. One of my best friends is making the travel back to college this Saturday and that usually is a landmark in my summer. I am ready for school. I am ready for new pencils, clean notebooks, nervous freshmen, familiar faces, and late nights. I am excited for new roommates, social work classes, familiar giggles, hugs, tears, and Wednesday night talks. I will miss sisters day, after work calls to you, my bed, sleeping in, comforts of home, and my job.
I have many projects in mid... mid... in mid.
This summer has been a peach, and no, not in the quirky somewhat cutesy word way. This summer has been the actual fruit. No need for explanation. You know you get it. You are the one I love. You will always be and have always been there. No need for words, our eyes can talk to each other.
Who knew what a cigarette could do.

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