Tuesday, August 5, 2008

a trip back to the nether-times.

So, as most of you know and as stated in a previous entry, I am sick... yes presently sick. It has been about two weeks and this cold will not go away. I went to the doctor today and he did the regular check-up dealio and it is just a cold but he gave me some pills. Hopefully they will help a bit. Anyways, back to the real point of this entry.
I took today off of work; it was my first day calling in sick. I really needed it though. For the past three days I haven't worked and all I have done is sleep and lay on the couch. Sleep in my bed, take a shower, lay on the couch, go to my bed and sleep, repeat. High school memories came screaming back due to this cycle. I have not been sick at home in a loooooong time. I forgot how nice it is to have your mother take care of you when you are ill. Just having her bring me my medicine with a glass of water or her bringing me a cup of crushed ice is heart warming. She has even massaged my neck! Amazing. However, having my mother take care of me has brought back memories of high school back. I felt as if I was going to wake up in the morning and have my mother call the school to excuse me for the day. I felt like my sister was going to come home with a large bag of books and a list of homework I had missed from the day. This did not happen. There is no bag of books or list. My mother did not have to call anyone, other than the doctor. The only thing waiting for me after this sickness passes is a large pile of paperwork for me to do and some reading I have to catch up at work.
No one wishes to be ill, but it has been a blessing. I am finding new happiness in every little thing lately. Without this sickness I would not have been able to just relax for a bit this summer. I have caught up on sleep, much needed sleep at that; also, Rachel and I have entered in to some fascinating conversations. Becca and I have done the same, but we seem to have these conversations more readily than Rachel and I do. Lastly, I have found a new love for my mother. Do not get me wrong, I love my mother and I always have, but seeing her care for me the way she does makes me want to be like her. I do not like I really appreciated what she did for me when I was in elementary, middle, or high school.

Sad thing though--- my man voice is slowly going away. So, if you want to hear my seductive "come to me baby, uhuhuhuh" call me as soon as possible. :)

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