Monday, November 17, 2008

not being overlooked

I am somebody. I am not someone who can be left behind. I am a person of the female sex who loves cats. I love celery, especially with peanut butter and raisins. I love green gum and orange pop. I love driving at night and singing along with the music. I love soup--my dad's chicken soup is best when you have a cold. I love painting. I love writing for myself. I love my sisters. I love tea AND coffee. I love cooking. I love sleeping in. I love math. I enjoy snuggling up and in blanket with warm fuzzy socks on. I love cold showers. I love brushing my teeth and cleaning my ears. I am a social work major who wants to DO something. I want to go to Africa. I want to work with families living in poverty. I want to have a family. I want to settle down after a time of traveling. I want to be happy. I am an introvert who loves order. I am organized. I am not terribly artistic but I want to be. I am passive. I am quiet--many times. I am passionate. I am driven. I am a student. I am a friend. I am a sister, a daughter, a co-worker, a movie lover. I go through phases of loving apples more and then oranges more. I LOVE fruit. I love tennis. I love the color green. I love the smell of freshly cut grass. I love rain and the first snowfall (if it is after Thanksgiving). I love cutting down the family Christmas tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I love family traditions. I love kites. I love camping. I enjoy a good snowball fight here and there. I love sledding. I like high heels. I know there has to be something more. I have to have ice in my water. I love a brisk sunrise. I want to go skydiving. I want to ride in a hot air balloon. I want to travel. I want to be able to hold a spider. I want to do karaoke. I want to water ski. I want to be a mother. I want to spend the night in a tree house. I want to do something out of the ordinary for me. I want to pass on my love of math. I want to conquer my fear of heights. I love robins. I love Jack Johnson, especially in the spring. I want to be honest. I love my summer job. I miss my friends from home. I miss playing scrabble. I love stupid talks on an old couch. I love fire. I love California. I love the ocean. I love FRIENDS. I miss England, but more so Scotland. I have a scar on my left eyelid from pushing a pink pig in a swing. I have broken many bones. I want to look on the bright side. I want you to know WHO I am and know that I am HERE. This list is not to be forgotten. This list isn't meant to define me but it gives a vague idea. This list, is for me.

1 comment:

Zach said...

Thanks Renae, that was insightful into who you truly are. Hope the semester is going good.