Saturday, August 2, 2008

the voice of a man

"I thought you underwent a sex change operation."
"You sounded as if you were trying to impersonate someone... but it wasn't working."
"Who is in there because that is certainly not Renae."

Yes. I am sick and my man voice is back. Throughout high school it was an annual ordeal. Every year my man voice would come upon me in the fall. This past fall, however, I was lucky enough to miss this annual event. Somehow, though, the voice has found me in the summer. Now that it is back I realize that I did miss it. Don't get me wrong, I do hate being sick. But, there is something oddly fun about having a scratchy manly voice.
Imagine me looking at you in a seductive sense saying "Come to me baby, rawwrrrrrr." :)
I love it.

I would consider summer pretty much over. August has hit and at work I am now labeling everything with an 8 at the start. August has always been the month that you get ready for school, at least for me. New pens and notebooks. I am excited! I am soaking the rest of this summer in. Who knows, it may be my last summer at home... if plans work out. However, having my sister on the same campus I am on and being able to get together with her for a cup of tea whenever is glorious.
It is my last year at Dordt. My last first day of school. My last summer into school shift. My last August school supply shopping month. Odd.
I am ready baby. Bring it on. ;)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i hope for all of our roommates' sakes that that voice comes back again this fall... :)