Friday, March 7, 2008

nose hairs

It is March and it snowed. I do not know what is within us that believes once March hits it is supposed to be spring, but everyone has it. Initially, frustration set in when first seeing the white flakes fall while I ate my wonderful cereal and raisin toast in the commons. However, after my wonderful piano lesson I just stood outside of the campus center and soaked the snow in. It was beautiful. It was falling horizontally; my parents warned me of this. I had never seen snow fall this way. I enjoyed it. It may be frigid but it is beautiful. There is something about walking outside and breathing in the cold air and feeling your nose hairs freeze. Refreshing. We must embrace this snow fall, even if it was on March 6th. Who knows, it may be the last snow fall of the 2007 to 2008 winter. Spring will come and the snow will melt, sometime. Iowa winters, I have heard, take up 7 months of the year, and people get sick of the cold and snow quickly. But, please, embrace the beauty of the cold, frigid whiteness. In its own way... it is gorgeous.

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