Monday, March 31, 2008

a walk in an odd place

This weekend was bookended with greatness. The choir concert was superb. I love choir; I love listening to choirs. I was in choir throughout all of middle and high school, but I am wonderfully glad I am not in it here. How amazing is it listening to numerous voices coming together. The choir concert was one bookend. From then on the weekend went downhill for a bit. Saturday, I believe, was the most pointless day I have had in a long time. I slept until noon, went to lunch, watched a movie with the roomie, and laid in bed for about four hours. I did not take a nap or read, I just laid there doing nothing. It was probably necessary, but I felt like such a pile. Then, a movie with a couple of good friends. Across the Universe is a good movie--intense at some points, but overall two thumbs up. Today, Sunday, I went to my grandparents in Orange City for Sunday dinner, a common occurrence, but three of my four cousins on that side were there today. Raquel, 17, Riley, 11, and Regan 9--almost 10!!, were there. We were missing Ranell, 16. (Yes--we are all named with "r". My name is Renae, my sisters are Rebecca and Rachel, my mom is Ruth and my dad is Russ, my uncle is Randy, my grandpa is Robert, and our last name is Rowenhorst). Anyways, I helped Raquel try on my old prom dresses and we had a "girls" day with my younger cousins and my grandma. I forgot how much I miss hanging out with my cousins. They are all so genuine and absolutely love life even if it hasn't handed them the best luck. After our prom talk my cousins left and my grandma and I had a wonderful talk. She started out with "have you kissed any frogs lately?" I looked at her with a bit of confusion and she explained herself. "Have you found any princes lately-you know you have to kiss a few frogs before you find that one prince." I love love love my grandma. (This is a different grandmother than the one I mentioned in a previous blog). I left their house with homework in mind and hopes of tea, however I was sidetracked. I found myself driving into the local cemetery. I walked around in the silence. I wasn't really in search of anything, but if felt right to be there. As I walked around I found my great grandparents on the Rowenhorst-Rowenhorst side. I did not know my great grandma, but she held on to meet me. She died one week after I was born. I have heard wonderful stories about her, and I have always felt some sort of connection with her even though I do not remember a thing of her. I sat there, in front of her grave and told her everything. After the long talk with my great grandmother I came back to Dordt and continued my honesty with a close friend. It was insanely needed and is greatly appreciated. Now, I am sitting in my room, alone, watching Peter Pan. !!!!! I forgot how much I love Disney movies. I wish the library had Beauty and the Beast. That movie is, hands down, my favorite Disney movie. I hope my children can grow up knowing the Disney movies I grew up on: Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, The Jungle Book, etc.

1 comment:

jason said...

Beauty & the Beast was the first film I ever saw in a movie theatre. I have it on VHS, if you'd like to borrow it sometime.